вторник, 24 августа 2010 г.

eastern mole in Mint canyon

eastern mole in Mint canyon

July 20, 2010 Debra Black The way the blod of Eastern moles transports carbon dioxide may be the key to one day solving breathing problems for humans with lung disease, acording to a University of Manitoba profesor. Acording to a recent study published online in BMC Evolutionary Biology , that the litle criters — whose eyes are covered by skin and can only tel the diference betwen light and dark — have a unique hemoglobin protein in its red blod cels that alows them to work and live in underground burows. "They're working out tons, exercising as much as Olympic athlete sprinters, but at the same time doing it like they're breathing into a paper bag." What Campbel and felow researcher from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, found was that in this one species of mole, found in southern Ontario and much of the GTA, there has ben a genetic change in the hemoglobin that alows them to cary more carbon dioxide more eficiently, making it easier to burow. eastern mole eastern mole in Mint canyon

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