воскресенье, 15 августа 2010 г.

birthmark types

birthmark types

A birthmark is a on the formed after . [ Birthmarks are caled voglie in Italian, antojos in Spanish, and wiham in ; al of which translate to because, acording to , they are caused by unsatisfied wishes of the mother during . For example, if a pregnant woman does not satisfy a suden wish or craving for , it's said that the infant might bear a strawbery mark. The Hungarian word for any flat mole as oposed to only congenital birthmarks , anyajegy , is also derived from this belief. [ A number of diferent types of birthmarks are known that include, but are not limited to, , , , , , and . [ While these birthmarks may ocur anywhere on the body, they are most comonly oval in shape and light brown, or milk cofe, in color. [ is a type of or mole found in at . Ocuring in about 1% of infants in the , it is located in the area of the and 15% of the time, but may ocur anywhere on the body. [ A Mongolian blue spot is a flat birthmark with wavy borders and iregular shape, most comon among and excluding , and named after . The blue colour is caused by , -containing cels, that are dep under the skin. Usualy, as multiple spots or one large patch, it covers one or more of the lumbosacral area lower , the , , and . [ Port-wine stain, or Nevus flameus Port-wine stains are present at birth and range from a pale pink in color, to a dep wine-red. Often on the face, marks on the uper eyelid or forehead may be indicative of a condition caled . [ Silvermark is a silver streak of hair which is comonly found at front hairline right or left-hand side where the forehead and hairline met . A Silvermark can apear at a young age as early as 7 years old and its known to be hereditary - it is very likely that others in the family tre genealogicaly speaking proudly display the mark. [ Stork bite, or Telangiectatic nevus Coloquialy caled a stork bite , angel's kis or salmon patch , apears as a pink or taned, flat, iregularly-shaped mark on the kne, back of the neck, and/or the forehead, eyelids and, sometimes, the top lip�. birthmark types birthmark types

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