суббота, 14 августа 2010 г.

rare birthmarks

rare birthmarks

Port wine stain is characterized by a splotch in the skin that presents a different color, size and shape. People who are affected by port wine stain should only undergo birthmark removal when they feel it will affect their health and if they are so much bothered by its appearance. Treatment of port wine stain Cosmetic surgery: Cosmetic surgery is one way to treat port wine stain however, remember that this type of treatment will only help you improve how it looks and it does not aim to present perfection. Laser treatment: Laser treatment is the most common used treatment for port wine stains. Laser treatment requires the patient to undergo series of laser treatment sessions it does not also guarantee complete . Here you will both have to discussed on certain topics such as why do you want to have the surgery, your desired outcome, what type of treatment you're most comfortable with and how the procedure will done. Laser treatment is the most common treatment done these days and is acceptable even to children of young age. rare birthmarks rare birthmarks

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