what causes strawberry birthmarks
Birthmarks are exactly what the word says, marks present on the skin at birth or shortly after a baby is born. There are many different types of birthmarks, but one of the most common is called hemangioma. While there are different types of birthmarks, strawberry birthmarks are normally identified by a number of noticeable features. • In many cases they are soft and may actually look like a strawberry, especially because of the color. It is believed that strawberry birthmarks are more common in premature babies. Statistically, about one in every 20 babies will have strawberry birthmarks. There is no evidence that these birthmarks can be avoided. In fact some birthmarks seem to have a genetic connection as other members of the family may have the same birthmarks. In most cases, strawberry birthmarks are not treated. In fact, most will disappear by themselves by the time the baby reaches 6 months old. However, some strawberry birthmarks, especially those close to or over the eyes may be removed to prevent vision trouble. If the decision is taken to treat these hemangiomas, the most popular methods are: • Laser treatment is most often used to reduce these birthmarks. Even if the birthmark disappears on its own, sometimes laser treatment is used to clear up residual redness and speed healing of any resulting lesions. • Plastic surgery is often used to reduce the size of strawberry birthmarks. The procedure is also useful in repairing areas where the birthmark goes away by itself but leaves the skin damaged. • Cryosurgery is used to freeze the birthmark, thus effectively destroying it. Parents with children with strawberry birthmarks should do the necessary research to determine whether or not to leave it alone or get treatment. In some cases where the birthmark disappears by itself it may still be necessary to get plastic surgery. There are two schools of thought on treatment options, those who say let it naturally disappear and those who believe its best to start treatment as soon as the condition appears. Comment by Jamie — May 11, 2010 hi my little girl 0f 16mths has a strawberry mark at the side of her left eye? Comment by martinamcdonagh@vodafone.ie — June 13, 2010 My daughter has a strawberry birthmark on her belly it is fairly large. what causes strawberry birthmarks
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