пятница, 13 августа 2010 г.

Heavier mums, heavier babies: Study says women who put on ...

Heavier mums, heavier babies August 2010 - Women who put on excessive weight during are more likely to have heavier babies, irrespective of genetic factors, according to a new study. They say the link between birth weight with adult weight means obesity prevention efforts targeted at women during pregnancy could have beneficial effects for their children. High birth weight might also increase risk of other diseases later in life, including , [ sensitivity] and ." Commenting on the article published Online First in The Lancet, Dr Neal Halfon and Dr Michael C Lu, Center for Healthier Children Families Communities, University of California, write: "Although a better understanding of the effect of gestational weight gain on the developing foetus and metabolic functioning of the newborn child is important, research is urgently needed into how to help women of reproductive age attain and maintain a healthy weight before and during pregnancy. More effective population-based strategies are needed to produce healthier life-long weight trajectories, and to interrupt the cross-generational cycle of excessive weight gain."

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