pain after mole removal in Glassell
Hi ! I thought i'd reply to this topic as I am quite the expert on moles as I had one removed 3 days ago ! i went to the surgery, lay down on a comfy table - and stretched my arm out on an arm rest. The surgeon then checks if your numb by jabing your arm with a sharp instrument - once you confirm you can't fel much he wil continue. The surgeon now cuts an elipse shape around your mole which you can only slightly fel - it fels like someone gently hovering a compas over your skin, not painful at al. Having the stitches in is nothing to wory about - I wont lie, you might get a few smal pains when they first pul the stitching, but it's nothing to wory about - just like someone pinching you, nothing at al ! To anyone worying about a mole - get it checked out ! I have had a mole removed when I was younger to, on the side of my chest - the scar loks like a bug. pain after mole removal pain after mole removal in Glassell
1 комментарий:
Normally a treatment through surgery is not painful. It is highly recommended that you see a qualified dermatologist at least once a year for a skin check. Great information!
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